Quick calculation - Calculate the cost in 24 hours





The most important thing about the cost

Competent design organizations, with their design solutions, can easily compensate for the expenses spent on its work.

At the beginning of the project, making savings on designing organizations may result in increased expenditure of the project.

Frequent phenomenon of recent years: you pay cheap - you get a very "expensive project".

Choose professionals and we guarantee that your investments will pay off and bring the expected profit.

Cost of project works

There are different ways of estimating the cost of the project. The cost of works is often determined by 1 m2 of the proposed building or structure, which, of course, is incorrect, it depends on the complexity of the design.

The cost of projects developed by "Innosystems" is determined by the following key components:

  • Object size;
  • Complication of the object;
  • Quantitative composition of sections of project documentation;

The price is analyzed not by the formula but by the actual cost of the project (salaries of specialists, overhead expenses, taxes, etc.).

Taking into account the main components, the total cost of the project can be 2-5% of the total cost of the projected object. The direct proportion attitude between the type and value of the object must also be taken into consideration. If there is more quantitative content of project documentation when the percent of the total cost of the project is more.

If the customer comes only with the idea and acceptable product specification, as well as its pricing rate and he orders enterprise project, that produces exactly the same type of product with provided cost that he needs. In this case the project cost is 7-10% of the total cost of the object where 40-50% of the total project cost is spent in the development of technology.

The cost of development of main parts of project documentation sections is:

  • General plan of enterprise and internal engineering networks from 4% to 8% of the project cost;
  • Architectural and construction drawings from 30% to 40% of the project cost;
  • Technological solutions from 10% to 15% of the project cost;
  • Engineering sections of the project from 30% to 40% of the project cost;
  • Particular components of the project from 10% to 20% of the project cost.
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